Cutting art
Art developed trough lasercut technique
dated 2011 until 2020
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Surrender (small version)
2018She surrenders to the life coated metal

Surrender (small version)
2018She surrenders to life Cortensteel

2018She surrenders

Flow (standing)
2018Flow of life, connected with nature and human beings 4 mm cortensteel

2017Drawn in a flowing line, nature and people connected, life energy and solar energy make the movement in the landscape.

Multiple for on the wall
2018Original drawing made in Oezbekistan, multiple impressions Editions 25

Multiple 1
2012Cortensteel, for outside or inside, also possible hanging on the wall with candlelight behind it

Multiple 2
2011Cortensteel work, design is made in Uzbekzistan during the biennale in Tashkent

Multiple (small)
2014A life full movement

Wing coated
2018Golden wing moves in the wind

2018The wing that sees all

2013The man and the woman are connected with each other by the stream of fishes

2018Man and woman connected by the eternal stream of fishes

2011Man and woman connected by the stream of life

Eternity (small)
2013Man and woman connected

Eternity (small)
2014Man and woman connected

Eternity (small)
2013Man and woman connecter by the stream of life